Saturday, February 13, 2010

Expectaions........and Romance....

So anyone that KNOWS my husband is totally gonna laugh at this post... So I always have such high expectations when it comes to Romance and holidays, like my birthday, our anniversary, valentines and christmas. I also just keep thinking that Kyler will randomly bring home flowers or leave a note on my pillow... Yeah.... there is a VERY good chance that I married the least romantic man on this earth. Not that he isn't a great husband and father.... just not a romantic one! and even though I have told him time and time again how to romance a person, given him several books and make him watch silly romance comedies with me.... NOTHING!!!! the last time I got flowers was our first Valintines day together. and they were Carnations!!! the ugliest flower ever! ( sorry if you like them!) the last time he planned a romantic evening or even just date night??? NEVER!!!! oh wait he did romance me when we were dating! so like 6 weeks! Anyway, you would think I would just give up and realize it is never going to happen! but I foolishly admitt I will probably continue to hope and I will probably continue to get dissappointed. One thing I know for sure and I know will never change, is how much I love him. it makes everything else ok. I LOVE HIM!!!! So even though this seems like a Kyler bashing blog, it's not. And for all you ladies out there with romantic men... please continue to share your stories so I can Vicariously live through you! haha. The End.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I am right there with you, except that I truly have come to expect nothing. It makes the days less crappy. Plus we have no money, so I tell him to not get anything. Of course, if he ever *did* choose to get something anyway, I'd never complain.