Thursday, December 10, 2009


Zayden at the Hogle Zoo!

Zayden and Kaleah at the Zoo on the Carousel

Kaleahs pic

All my family at thanksgiving!

Just Deklan being cute one day I took pics.
So I am pretty sure I am just never going to be super amazing at blogging all the time! (sorry
Andrea!) I just feel like when I do have computer time, I always have something else that I HAVE to get done! but I thought you all deserved a little update on life in the Ross' house.

So Deklan is almost three months old... I can't believe it! at his two week check up he was 13lbs, 22 inches. he is growing so fast! alreay in 9 month clothes! he is an angel and a blessing to his mommy. he has her wrapped around his finger!

Kaleah is quite the little drama queen...hmm wonder where she gets that from... shw pretty much rules the world and can get anything from her daddy and she knows it... doesn't help with mommies disiplining... she has been sick for a week and shows no sign of getting better... she actually tells me she is tired and goes and lays down!!! probably time to visit the doc.

Zayden is the Biggest help in the world to his parents. He is and always has been such an independant little boy. well he is just content reading and playing on his own, so when mommy needs a break or a shower, he is awsome! he also loves helping with his little brother and sister. He has got one crazy imagination on him though. I am preety sure he will end up an author or movie writer/producer... yep it's that intense and he is three!

I am still trying to get adjusted to life with three... it's coming easier, I just have a selfish part about me that I am really working to get rid of. I love my kids and will always do whats best for them, but sometimes I feel like doing what I want... oh well. I am happy being a mom. I am really looking forward to moving back to Idaho soon... hopefully.
Kyler is just Kyler. He is amazing super dad to his kids and super husband to me! I love him and I know he is struggling with the job hunt, but he plays so cool! I love you kyler!


Andrea said...

LOL! I forgive you for not being a super regular blogger. It's fun to see the pics when you do post. Deklan is SO cute. I can't believe how big he's gotten.

Anonymous said...

super cute pics of the kids!